Click here for our Distanced Sunday Worship page, which is updated weekly with a Worship Toolkit.
Sunday worship: 10:00 AM followed by Fellowship Hour.
Summer Worship: 10:00 AM followed by Lemonade on the Lawn.
Communion is celebrated on the First Sunday of the month.
A children’s nursery is available during the service.
ALL are welcome. We mean everyone. Stanton Reformed Church offers an inclusive, modern message through a traditional worship service, informed by the Heidelberg Catechism and guided by the Revised Common Lectionary. Our service is enriched by the musical contributions of our Sanctuary Choir, our organist/pianist, and guest musicians from our congregation and community.
Find out more about what makes Reformed Worship unique.
Find out more about the role of music and art in our worship at Stanton Reformed.
Missed a service? You can listen to our weekly sermons.
What to expect. Sunday service starts at 10am, and typically lasts until about 11-11:15am, depending on our activities of the day – communions, baptisms, ordinations, and special services may extend that time. We hope you will also join us for Fellowship Hour immediately following the worship service where you can enjoy refreshments and visit with our community.
Elements of our Worship Service. If you are visiting, or just curious why we do what we do – you can find an overview of the elements of our regular worship service here.
Visitors. If you’d like to share your name and contact information with the church office, please complete a card from the rack in the pews and drop it in the offering plate. We will email you in the week after your visit to connect and welcome you. We are not big on the “hard sell,” so you guide our interactions from there on. If you are new to Stanton Reformed Church, please let an usher (seated next to the sanctuary doors) know and they will provide you with a welcome packet and answer any questions. You are also always free to email the church office,, with any questions you may have.
Families with children. Infant and toddler care is available in the nursery throughout the entire service; you can stop in on your way into church, or keep your child with you through the service (most choose to keep infants and toddlers with them for the beginning of service and take them to the nursery after the Children’s Moment, roughly the first 15 minutes). We take safety seriously and background check all our regular nursery volunteers and Sunday School teachers. These volunteers will take your cell phone number and “page” you in the very rare event that there are any issues during service.
For children attending the beginning of service, we have a set of children’s activity bags in the Narthex just outside of the sanctuary. The ushers can help you locate these if you need assistance. We also have a laminated Children’s Guide to Worship in the pews, which your child can follow along during the service as it describes in a child-friendly manner what is going on. Some of our adults find this guide helpful as well!
Children of all ages are welcome to join in our Children’s Moment, where the pastor will offer a small lesson at the front of the sanctuary. Some of our children bring their parents or grandparents with them, too; whatever makes your child most comfortable is fine with us! Children up through middle school ages are dismissed to Sunday School after the Children’s Moment; high school students join us for worship for half of our Sunday services. You can find more information on our Sunday School programs here.
Communion Sundays. We always celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month, and we occasionally celebrate at other times in the liturgical year. We invite all Christians who have been baptized, at any age and in any church of any denomination, to partake with us of the Lord’s Supper. We begin with a corporate prayer that you can find printed on a card in the rack on the pew in front of you. Sometimes we walk to the front to receive the bread and cup by intinction, sometimes we stay seated and elders distribute the elements… we’ll describe the process as we go! Our bread is always egg and nut free, and we offer a gluten free alternative too.
After the service. Following the benedictions, we enjoy a musical postlude during which you may leave, or sit and enjoy the music and another moment of reflection. You will be greeted on exit by our pastor and a church ambassador (typically a longstanding member, elder, or deacon).
You’re cordially invited to join us for coffee and refreshments and casual conversation after worship in the Fellowship Hall. Hurry or else the kids will eat all the sweets! Parents, you will pick up your children at the Sunday School classes (up to 5th grade; older children are dismissed to meet their families in the Fellowship Hall). Younger families often congregate in the nursery after service to allow the children more time to play together; it is not unusual for families to linger well after services as they continue to enjoy each others’ company.