Young people are the future of our church, and our community! Our Youth Group offers events designed to give our youth good, clean, fun things to do with each other and with the adults in our congregation, building connections that can last a lifetime. We offer a mix of service and recreational activities, which all youth in the community are welcome to join.
Our Youth Group is open to our members in middle and high schools (5th grade and up). Occasionally, for special activities we break out into junior (middle school) and senior (high school) youth groups; those dates are noted. Feel free to bring a friend!
Stanton Youth Group is sponsored by the Stanton Reformed Church as an outreach and education mission. All of our events are free, though some have a “suggested donation” to help us stretch our YG budget so we can keep offering so many fun events.
Youth Group News
March 2020
Our Youth Group leaders are planning a fun March event – save the date! On Sunday, March 29, we will be playing a Bigger and Better game. The kids will be broken into teams, and will be given a small object (e.g. a pencil) and sent out on a mission: to turn that item into something bigger and better, without spending any money. Please RSVP so we can plan our cars and teams: SRC Youth Group RSVP This involves some coordination, so we need your help! Students will be sent out into the community to visit SRC members (who will be expecting them) and will ask to trade their item for something bigger and better. We need: 1) two drivers to help ferry the teams around town, and 2) adults who are ready to answer the door and trade something with the youth when they arrive. It could be anything in your house you are willing to part with – if you have a yard sale pile, this is a great way to clear something out! If you can help out with either of the above, contact Michele White or Carole in the Stanton Church office ( Thanks for your support of the youth program!!Spring 2020 Events
Sunday, January 26, 11:15am – Souper Bowl of Caring. The Stanton Youth will be hosting a pancake breakfast to raise funds for Starfish and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Sunday, February 23, 12pm – Escape Room! Youth and our Stanton Scouts are invited to go find their way out of the Branchburg Escape Center. Suggested donation is $20, if possible.
Sunday, March 29, 5-7pm – Bigger and Better game. We will meet at SRC at 5pm, play the game (a neighborhood scavenger hunt, of sorts!) until 6:30, and reconvene at SRC for pizza and pickups).
Sunday, April 5, 11am – Passover Seder by Stanton Youth. Youth will be in charge for the day as we host a Seder dinner for the Stanton community. Your Sunday School teachers will have further information in March.
Saturday, May 16-17 – Box City for Family Promise of Hunterdon (click link to register for our team!)
June, date TBD – Year end YG event. Stay tuned!