At Stanton Reformed Church we strive to
- Connect the disconnected.
- Empower the connected.
- Reconcile all things to God.
Stanton members and friends have historically participated in a variety of ministries and missions. Please explore some of the most recent missions below, arranged by interest, and see our pastor or a member of consistory if you have any ideas for new ones.
“Just as each of us has one body with many members and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to the others.” Rom. 12:4-5
Core Missions 2023
Habitat for Humanity is committed to improving the lives of low-income families throughout Somerset and Hunterdon counties by helping them build and buy their own simple, decent homes. In 2018 Stanton Reformed Church completed their committed goal of raising $25,000.00 toward the building of a Habitat House in Lambertville, NJ for a family in need. As well as donating money, there are opportunities for you to participate in helping build the house and meet the family that will call it home.
Website: www.rvhabitat.org
SHIP, the Samaritan Homeless Interim Program, began operations on March 5, 1984 in response to the unheeded cry of the many women, children and men who are in desperate need of emergency housing and associated services.
SHIP is a faith based, interfaith and community funded, assisted and supported, grassroots organization.
Clients coming to SHIP are in desperate need of help. Many are the working poor. They include those that suffer from homelessness or being near homeless. Many are hungry or suffer from substance abuse dependency, HIV/AIDS, mental health issues, or neglect and isolation.
Services are tailored to each individual’s need and vary in duration according to each individual or families situation. SHIP provides this unique population with critically needed emergency interim services. These services may include advocacy, emergency interim housing, interim counseling, and support services, that greatly enhance their chances of regaining their self-sufficiency again. SHIP is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the poor. Clients are eligible to apply for all of SHIP’s Programs and Services.
Stanton Reformed Church seasonally collects food and monetary donations for Readington Starfish for distribution to local families in need. More info will be available during distribution times in the church bulletin and email communications. Or, you may call the Stanton Reformed Church office at 908-236-2381.
Re-Member is a non-profit working to alleviate the conditions of poverty and sub-standard housing among the Oglala Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, and to rebuild the broken relationships between native people and the dominant western culture in the U.S. In addition to offering financial support, groups from Stanton have traveled to Pine Ridge, and will again this summer to work with the Lakota people through Re-Member.
Website: www.re-member.org
Summer Service Team
More than 100 different individuals have traveled to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation with Stanton Reformed Church, and more than half of them have returned multiple years to experience again the unique opportunity to serve and learn alongside the Oglala Lakota People in South Dakota. It’s a challenging experience, a humbling experience, one to be approached with an open mind and an open heart. In a strange reversal of social expectation, we leave with a far greater blessing than the one that we impart.

- 2, 3 and 5 day Preschool
- Full day and 1/2 day extended care
- Full Day Kindergarten
- AM and PM Kindergarten Enrichment
- Before and After School Care
For more information, please visit stantonlearningcenter.com
Core Ministries
Stanton’s grounds can be a place of calm and reflection, a boisterous spot where kids play, a space to gather groups small and large. The Garden Ministry works to create a park-like atmosphere on the grounds and maintains the Memorial Garden, an “outdoor chapel” for individuals to commune with the Spirit in nature. If you have a green thumb, or want to learn, come play in the dirt with us! Stop by anytime to pull some weeds and keep our grounds looking peaceful and calm.
Join the folks of the SRC prayer shawl ministry as they meet every Tuesday at 2pm in the conference room (lower level) to create blankets and shawls for those who are in need of healing or experiencing sadness or joy. The shawls and blankets are free, and made for anyone who could use the comfort of a warm handmade wrap and knowing others are praying for them: infant, young, old, of any denomination. Please leave a request for a shawl or blanket in the church office. For more information, please contact Penny Gallagher at 908-236-2631.
Every family is in need of a prepared meal from time to time, whether experiencing illness or grieving the loss of a loved one, celebrating the birth of a new baby or going through a demanding trial. The Stanton Meals Ministry team is ready and eager to prepare and deliver meals for someone in need. If you like to cook, consider offering your gifts in this important way. Call Barbara Tannahill for information at 908-534-0310.
For information on our next scheduled breakfasts, please contact the church office: stantonchurch@gmail.com.
The Men’s Breakfast meets every first Saturday of the month from 8-9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Stanton Reformed Church and features local speakers.
Other regular outreach opportunities SRC engages in include:
- Anderson House for Women
- Angel Tree
- Bucks County Interfaith Coalition for Refugee Resettlement
- Crop Walk
- Good News Home for Women
- HIOC – Hunterdon Interfaith Outreach Council
- Safe in Hunterdon
- South Branch Watershed Association
- Souper Bowl of Caring