If you have a student in Middle or High School Sunday School and would like to receive text updates and reminders, please join our Remind app! Text @youth-src to the number 81010.
Our goal with middle and high school students is to increase engagement with adult church life. Therefore, their Sunday School class time begins to taper as we increase their weeks of participating in the regular church service and volunteer activities. Middle school students (grades 6-8) participate in Sunday School classes 2 times per month, and high school students participate in Sunday School classes 1 time per month. We also ask our older middle school and high school students to consider volunteering as class aides for our younger Sunday School classes once per month.
We operate on the following schedule for regular Sunday School classes monthly:
Week 1 – no Sunday School
Week 2 – Middle School Sunday School class meets
Week 3 – High School Sunday School class meets
Week 4 – Middle School Sunday School class meets
Week 5 – no Sunday School
In classes, students read a new story from the Bible weekly, and, through open discussion and some guided exercises, reflect on its meaning in their present-day lives.