Confirmation: Confirming the promise made to you during your baptism by professing your faith in God.
Youth who participate in Confirmation go on a journey of spiritual self-discovery. Each student (8th grade or above) is connected with a church member who serves as a Mentor for the journey, and the process is facilitated by regular classes and events. Our hope for this process is that youth will have the opportunity to learn more about the Christian faith and to form a lasting and meaningful relationship with their Mentor. We work to facilitate these goals through adventurous retreats, Biblical study, personal reflection, directed dialogue, theological study, and a lot of quality time in community.
At the conclusion of Confirmation class, if your child is so inclined, they will be invited to share their faith with the elders and pastors of the church and will participate in the profession of their faith in public worship.
Confirmation class for 2019 is now forming, please email the church office if your high school student is interested in joining. See our schedule for more information.