Register now for Sunday School 2019-2020!
How it works: Children learn to grow in love for God and for one another by
worshipping God in their special worship center. The program uses sensorimotor style of storytelling as a primary means for encountering God, so God is experienced, not just learned about. Children respond to the stories of God through continued working with the story figures and art materials. In worship, ordinary time and space is transformed into sacred time and space – a place where children and leaders alike have the opportunity to encounter the mystery of God.
When: During Sunday morning worship
Where: Downstairs Worship Center
*Children must be 3 years old by July 1st and must be pottytrained in order to attend class.
*All children begin the worship service in the Sanctuary with their families. A children’s moment will be shared during the service and the children are then released to the narthex where they will meet their leaders and be taken to their classrooms. For more information, please call the church office.