
This report shares all that we believe to be central to our understanding of our church and ourselves, as well as our relationship to the community. We hope that it provides important and helpful insights that will serve not only in our search for a new pastor, but also as a guidepost for current and future members showing where we’ve been and where we are going. We have sought and gathered input from membership and staff, consulted historical records, and spent many hours together (sometimes virtually) arriving at a shared vision for SRC. The Mission that we describe here, as exemplified in our new Mission Statement, as well as our Welcome Statement and Core Values, is one that we feel confident represents this church; we look forward to finding the pastor who will lead us and keep us true to these beliefs and aspirations.

This committee would like to thank all those who participated in our survey, in interviews, and in discussions, as well as our families and one another, for the patience and commitment to making and keeping SRC the sacred center to our spiritual and moral lives.

Grace and Peace,

The Stanton Reformed Church Mission Study Team

Bruce Adam, Scott Clarke, Penny Gallagher, Donna Herb, Christopher Jackson, Donna Morris, Rev. Beth Scibienski

Click below to read the full report: